5 User Experience tips for a Better Web Writing

Eye-tracking studies reveal that users don’t read web content word by word but they pick up pieces of information from online pages by following an F-shape pattern. In other words people don’t read on the web, they scan, focusing the attention more on the essential meaning of the writing than on the details.Web Writers and Bloggers have to meet UX to make their content easy to reach and consume. Here 5 tips which may help on the task.

    • Headers – headers are the first elements to catch your readers’ eyes. They are quite the index of your post and they build the user perception of what your content covers, how and if it is worth to read and share. Heading also makes the writing looks less boring and plain. Users may decide to skip some parts and move straight to what interests them more.
    • Bold Text – bold Text points out the main concepts of your content, the idea is to make the reader able to understand all of your writing by just scanning the highlighted elements. Don’t overuse it, they may give the perception of something which needs time to digest.
    • Spacing – white spaces improve readability and accessibility to your article, find a good balance between a collapsed and a too expanded content is the key. CSS offers several tags and techniques to set margins, padding, indents and spaces between letters, lines and paragraphs.
    • Lists – lists enhance the scannability of a content and they allow users to consume longer and more complex concepts easily. HTML and CSS offer different options which may help you to better organize your writing: lists may express a simple collection of ideas, concepts, objects or even a series of steps.
  • Links – it is a good habit to focus on just one topic during the writing process and eventually to spread long contents into several posts. Hyperlinks help you to keep them connected with the consequence of affecting positively the accessibility of the entire website.